Regional Access offers free, professional, telephone and online counselling 24 hours a day, seven days a week for people 15 years and older living or working in regional South Australia.
You can call 1300 032 186 or visit their website to find out more.
What To Expect
When you contact Regional Access, you will be able to:
- Speak with a professionally trained counsellor
- Call at any time – 24 hours a day, seven days a week
- Talk to a counsellor about what’s going on with you and your stresses and concerns
- Develop strategies to manage your situation
- Have up to three 30 minute sessions with the same counsellor
Regional access is funded by Country SA PHN.
Lived Experience Telephone Support Service (LETSS) is a free after-hours telephone support service available to anyone with mental issues, as well as their carers, family and friends. The trained support staff answering the calls will have a personal lived experience of recovery and managing challenges to their mental health. This helps them draw on their experience to support and understand the caller’s unique problems.
To access this free mental health support, call LETSS on 1800 013 755 or visit their website to find out more.
LETSS is run by Links to Wellbeing. Links to Wellbeing is a consortium commissioned by the Adelaide PHN and run in partnership between Neami National, Mind Australia, Skylight Mental Health and Uniting Care Wesley Bowden.