Dr Andrew Pols
Dr Andrew Pols is a qualified Rural Generalist (Anaesthetics) with over 20 years’ experience. A graduate of Flinders University, he trained in the NT Top End region with subsequent service in the Mid-North of SA, the Adelaide Hills and Fleurieu regions. He has additional skills in anaesthetics and emergency medicine alongside all aspects of general practice. Dr Pols enjoys teaching doctors at all levels of training, with a particular interest in paediatrics and management of chronic pain conditions.
Make an appointment with Dr Andrew Pols
Qualifications : BMBS, BMedSci (Hons), FRACGP, Grad Dip Rural GP (Anaes), FARGPBMBS, BMedSci (Hons), FRACGP, Grad Dip Rural GP (Anaes), FARGP
- 1300 472 273
- 85 Wellington Rd, Mt Barker