Health Provider Registry (HPRy)

Health Provider Registry

The Health Provider Registry (HPRy) is South Australia’s authoritative source of maintained health practitioner and practice information. Our focus is to provide efficient delivery and improvement of health services to patients through the provision of accurate data to SA Health and other health professionals. The platform is integral to the successful delivery of the Secure Message Delivery (SMD) function utilised by health professionals and services every day.

Users of the HPRy can conveniently update their own information at any time, while Summit Health provides overall data management. Summit Health routinely process the data in the HPRy to ensure currency and accuracy through collection, cleansing and validation analysis.

All forms of health services are encouraged to register with the HPRy. Health professionals are able to register individually or through the practice they are located with.


HPRy Select – Direct Email Campaigns

The Health Provider Registry (HPRy) distributes health information directly to South Australian health professionals and health services. The HPRy has a reputation for secure, confidential and respectful communication, excellent data security protocols and industry knowledge of primary healthcare.

HPRy Select is a unique and targeted communication service that fully aligns with Privacy Act requirements and is compliant with current anti-spamming legislation. It is purely for communicating non-marketing health-related information directly to South Australian health professionals and practices.

To discuss campaign packages, and how we can help you reach your target audiences, please contact us.

For more information:
P: 88406 7797