Anglicare SA

Phone: 1300 077 798
Fax: 83059211


Professional Profile

AnglicareSA’s Suicide Prevention Service is a free program that provides home visits to support individuals across the Adelaide Hills. The program provides intensive support for three months.

Who can access the Service:  Individuals who have attempted suicide and need support.

The Service identifies and connects community and social groups that can provide specialised support for the needs of each individual.

Service Overview

The Suicide Prevention Service provides non-clinical targeted short-term support for individuals who have experienced a suicide attempt. The aim is to build upon the protective factors that increase resilience and help prevent suicide.  The Suicide Prevention Service will develop individual support plans and focus on the reasons behind the attempt, and how to reduce the stressors that led up to the attempt.

There are no age restrictions to access the Service.

Referral Process

General Practitioners and other Mental Health Professionals can refer to Anglicare SA Suicide Prevent Service, call 1300 077 798 or email


For more information or to make an appointment please call 1300 077 798, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
