Service Overview
Adelaide Vascular offers fast and effective evaluation of vascular disease. Our experienced vascular sonographers conduct non-invasive ultrasound scans and physiological tests.
We use ultrasound evaluation for the diagnosis of:
- Peripheral vascular disease.
- Varicose veins.
- Deep vein thrombosis (DVT).
- Carotid disease (transient ischemic attacks, stroke evaluation and risk of stroke evaluation).
- Aortic aneurysmal disease & screening and follow-up.
- Aorto-iliac occlusive disease & claudication and leg pains.
We evaluate:
- The severity of arterial insufficiency using the Doppler and toe pressure perfusion test (both resting and during exercise).
- Venous ulcers (scans for deep and superficial venous incompetence).
- Adelaide Vascular also offers screening for peripheral vascular occlusive disease and carotid atheroma in the at-risk population (diabetics, smokers and patients with a history of vascular disease).
Referral Process
Requesting doctor is required to complete an Adelaide Vascular request form available at Summit Health Centre or available via download from the Adelaide Vascular website www.adelaidevascular.com
The final report, signed off by the reporting vascular surgeon, is available within 24 hours. Reports will include recommendations for intervention if sufficient clinical data is provided on the request by referring doctors. Provisional results, if urgent, are available immediately following scans and an interim report can be sent to referring doctors by fax or email.
Fees & Rebates
Fees are payable for ultrasounds performed at Summit Health. Please call Adelaide Vascular to discuss fees.
For more information please call Adelaide Vascular Ph: 8267 3511
Please give the completed form to the patient to call to make a suitable appointment if preferred or if urgent fax to Adelaide Vascular. Fax: 8239 0644.
- Phone 8267 3511
- Email info@adelaidevascular.com