Dr James Economos
Professional Profile
Dr James Economos is an Occupational Physician who graduated from medicine at Adelaide University in 1993, then obtaining a Diploma of Occupational Health (University of Adelaide), becoming a fellow of the Australian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (FAFOEM), Royal Australian College of Physicians in 2003.
He has been actively involved in the training occupational physicians as the SA director of training from 2005 to 2016 and has provided onsite services to large employers, including General Motors and SA Health.
With more than 20 years of experience, the main focus of his practice is helping those with musculoskeletal disability associated with workplace or motor vehicle accident (MVA) claims maximise function by ensuring accurate diagnosis, identifying and addressing significant barriers to rehabilitation and working with the person, the treating team and employer to achieve a safe, sustainable return to rewarding work.

Service Overview
Dr Economos provides a once off second opinion service to GP’s, specialists and agents for the WorkCover and MVA patients.
An ongoing patient management service is available from Dr Economos for WorkCover and MVA patients and provides independent examinations and impairment assessments.
Dr Economos consults from Summit Health Centre at Mt Barker fortnightly on Wednesday afternoons and is available to visit patient’s workplaces on Wednesday mornings upon request.
Referral Process
Referrals should be faxed to 8362 5300 or emailed to admin@drjeconomos.com.au