Work Health Safety

Work Health Safety

The most valuable asset of this organisation is its employees.

This organisation is therefore committed to achieving a safe and healthy working environment for its employees and those visiting its premises and to meeting its obligations under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (SA).

The Board considers this to be a high priority and will have WHS as a standing item at each meeting.

Board, Management and employees have responsibilities for observing work health safety requirements.


  • Has a responsibility to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, that employees, whilst undertaking work activities both on and off site, are safe from injury and risk to health.
  • Is responsible for the effective implementation of this Work Health Safety Policy.
  • Must be positively committed to the consultation process.
  • Is responsible for ensuring all employees receive adequate WHS information, instruction, and supervision. This will commence with induction and be an ongoing process
  • Will ensure the provision of adequate training of employees to enable them to carry out basic risk assessments and complete an Incident Report Form.


  • Have a responsibility regarding their own health and safety, and that of others who may be affected by their actions or failure to act whilst at work.
  • Are required to comply with workplace health and safety instructions.
  • Are required to report all hazards within their work environment.
  • Are required to take corrective action to eliminate such hazards.
  • Are required to seek appropriate first aid treatment from the First Aid Officer for injuries and complete an Incident Report form and submit it to the Quality Systems Co-ordinator as soon as practicable.
  • Report any concerns to the Quality Systems Co-ordinator via the OHS issues on the intranet.
  • Will have an opportunity to nominate for the organisation’s Safety, Quality and Risk Management Committee (SQRMC).

Active consultation will be undertaken in order to ensure the best possible resolution of health, safety and welfare issues.

Where practicable, this organisation will seek to implement best practice solutions for health, safety and welfare concerns.

Current at: February 15th, 2017